Have you ever wondered about where motivation comes from??? Motivation to exercise, to get a dreaded task done, to start a diet, to try something new?
I heard a quote the other day from Dr. Oz, a general surgeon who is on the Discovery Health channel and who Oprah has helped make quite famous. He said, "Sometimes ACTION has to precede motivation."
Love it! So, if you are putting something off or not feeling like doing something you should... I challenge you to just do it! Do it and soon enough the motivation to keep doing it will come. Think about a diet. Who likes to start those? Or an exercise program?? But, once I start exercising I find it addicting. I will crave the movement and the newly found energy. Once you lose a few pounds on diet you are motivated by your success.
Just some thoughts passing through my head today....
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Things you probably didn't know about hygiene
My interesting read of the day:
I especially like #15. What can I say... it's "punny"! And I'm a dork!
I especially like #15. What can I say... it's "punny"! And I'm a dork!
Monday, August 27, 2007
First Day of School 2007-2008
Things ran smoothly this morning. Caitlin and Jared were up at the first sounds of their alarm clocks. No coaxing! Upon seeing Jared, I realized I forgot to cut his hair. We did a speedy buzz cut and he looks awful cute!! I think Caitlin was somewhat apprehensive and couldn't eat much breakfast. Jared was very excited and couldn't stop grinning. The top two photos above seem to be perfect in declaring their different personalities, don't you think? Caitlin was all about style this year. Her style- not mine. I'm not extremely fond of her shirt and skirt together but, she's a fourth grader and as long as she's modest and the clothes are clean she can wear what she wants.
I didn't get a photo yet of Caitlin with her teacher. With 32 students and all of their parents it was hard enough for me to pull her aside and make sure she knew of Caitlin's history with the "bully". She was aware of it and said something that made me think many parents have requested that the boy NOT be in the same class as their child. Scotty and I came to an agreement that we will not make that request unless the bullying continues. Perhaps with a new teacher, she can learn a new set of skills and learn to NOT be a victim. To learn to be strong and stand up for herself. We would love to see that happen. There will always be mean people in her life (unfortunately) but, we all know that even as adults we have to deal with rude, mean people. So, these are valuable skills she could learn.
I didn't get a photo yet of Caitlin with her teacher. With 32 students and all of their parents it was hard enough for me to pull her aside and make sure she knew of Caitlin's history with the "bully". She was aware of it and said something that made me think many parents have requested that the boy NOT be in the same class as their child. Scotty and I came to an agreement that we will not make that request unless the bullying continues. Perhaps with a new teacher, she can learn a new set of skills and learn to NOT be a victim. To learn to be strong and stand up for herself. We would love to see that happen. There will always be mean people in her life (unfortunately) but, we all know that even as adults we have to deal with rude, mean people. So, these are valuable skills she could learn.
So, now I'm home. First thing, I wanted to post the first day of school photos. Gilbert (our cat) is walking around looking confused. He's poking his head into the kids rooms and searching for them. He seems to be just as stunned that I am alone as I am. LOL!! Of course, I have a ton of housework to do today! (Mondays are the worst- since I sorta don't do hardly any housework on the weekends) Some friends in our ward offered that we can used their paid dumpster they rented. I am excited about this! With the DI trailer at the church and the use of this dumpster (to get rid of unwanted large items here is very expensive) - I have the next two days cut out for me. With the kids at school I hope to take full advantage of the opportunity to purge unnecessary STUFF!
Friday, August 24, 2007
School Class Lists Revealed
So, the class lists were released tonight. Here they just hang them up outside the school's office at 5pm. I'm happy about almost everything but, I'm very unhappy about one thing.
Jared's new teacher is Mrs. Newton the only 1st grade teacher I know anything about (and that's all from observation). She is really a fun, upbeat teacher who has lots of tenure and so I'm happy for Jared! There are 20 kids in his class. He has a few friends in his class from last year but, not his closest friend. He has two classmates named Jenna and one named Jenny. LOL!! Why do they do that to teachers??? I remember my 4th grade class had 5 Jennifers. YES, FIVE!
Caitln's teacher is Ms. Huang- I know nothing about her except her reputation for being somewhat strict- which is a student generated rumor. She wasn't Caitlin's first choice because she thinks another teacher is funny. Finally we have graduated from wanting the "prettiest" teacher to wanting the teacher with the best personality. LOL!! Anyways, Caitlin's teacher is probably under 30 and extremely pretty. Cait's friend, Jade, was in her class last year and she loved her! Still Cait was disappointed and was pouting somewhat about not getting in the same class as her BFF when the neighbor kid told her her new teacher is a little mean. (GREAT!! Thanks for your help- now GO AWAY!) I was still feeling somewhat okay with that especially after some of the girls in her new class started to arrive and they were excited that Caitlin is in their class. She became excited too and realized that she knows several of the girls. One is the PTA President's daughter and I have a sinking feeling that I'll be hit up for a lot of time this year. I'm going to be very selective. Serving on the PTA is NOT my favorite thing in the world. I hate all of that political stuff!
Then the bomb shell- the kid who bullied her last year was put in her class again this year! I don't understand what the school is thinking?! Or are they???? I mean, things got very bad last year to the point that the boy was expelled the last time. It really altered Caitlin's personality and affected her schoolwork. We had multiple conferences about the situation. He was suppose to move out of state this summer, I'm crossing my fingers that that is still true and he just hasn't been taken off the roster yet. There are 32 kids in her class. Another 4th grade class has 31 kids in it. The third of the 4th grade classes is actually a 4th and 5th COMBO class. I really want to avoid that one! I don't know what to do. Caitlin is begging us to not say anything, she thinks he will behave himself this year and that she knows how to handle it better. I really hate to go in there and whine about it! Nothing like establishing a great relationship with the new teacher. I also want Caitlin to learn to stand up for herself and not be a target. Besides that, Caitlin tells us that it is embarrassing and the boy tells his friends and it becomes a big rumor. Well, I'm sure it will all work out fine in the end. I hate that she (and we) are in this situation!
Well, enough complaining. Especially since I gave a mighty long lecture to Caitlin today about how when we complain we are not being grateful! So, I'll go eat my words now. Even though this problem seems huge! Sorry for the whine...
Jared's new teacher is Mrs. Newton the only 1st grade teacher I know anything about (and that's all from observation). She is really a fun, upbeat teacher who has lots of tenure and so I'm happy for Jared! There are 20 kids in his class. He has a few friends in his class from last year but, not his closest friend. He has two classmates named Jenna and one named Jenny. LOL!! Why do they do that to teachers??? I remember my 4th grade class had 5 Jennifers. YES, FIVE!
Caitln's teacher is Ms. Huang- I know nothing about her except her reputation for being somewhat strict- which is a student generated rumor. She wasn't Caitlin's first choice because she thinks another teacher is funny. Finally we have graduated from wanting the "prettiest" teacher to wanting the teacher with the best personality. LOL!! Anyways, Caitlin's teacher is probably under 30 and extremely pretty. Cait's friend, Jade, was in her class last year and she loved her! Still Cait was disappointed and was pouting somewhat about not getting in the same class as her BFF when the neighbor kid told her her new teacher is a little mean. (GREAT!! Thanks for your help- now GO AWAY!) I was still feeling somewhat okay with that especially after some of the girls in her new class started to arrive and they were excited that Caitlin is in their class. She became excited too and realized that she knows several of the girls. One is the PTA President's daughter and I have a sinking feeling that I'll be hit up for a lot of time this year. I'm going to be very selective. Serving on the PTA is NOT my favorite thing in the world. I hate all of that political stuff!
Then the bomb shell- the kid who bullied her last year was put in her class again this year! I don't understand what the school is thinking?! Or are they???? I mean, things got very bad last year to the point that the boy was expelled the last time. It really altered Caitlin's personality and affected her schoolwork. We had multiple conferences about the situation. He was suppose to move out of state this summer, I'm crossing my fingers that that is still true and he just hasn't been taken off the roster yet. There are 32 kids in her class. Another 4th grade class has 31 kids in it. The third of the 4th grade classes is actually a 4th and 5th COMBO class. I really want to avoid that one! I don't know what to do. Caitlin is begging us to not say anything, she thinks he will behave himself this year and that she knows how to handle it better. I really hate to go in there and whine about it! Nothing like establishing a great relationship with the new teacher. I also want Caitlin to learn to stand up for herself and not be a target. Besides that, Caitlin tells us that it is embarrassing and the boy tells his friends and it becomes a big rumor. Well, I'm sure it will all work out fine in the end. I hate that she (and we) are in this situation!
Well, enough complaining. Especially since I gave a mighty long lecture to Caitlin today about how when we complain we are not being grateful! So, I'll go eat my words now. Even though this problem seems huge! Sorry for the whine...
Swim Fun
Here are some pictures of our last weekday of summer! Guess who has learned how to swim?? Jared has been taking lessons these past three weeks. This past week he took private lessons 1:1 and boy is that the way to go! I probably would have saved money too!! They learn so much faster that way! He's been working on the strokes and he does really well at the back stroke.
Back to the photos (all taken at the cabana club we joined as associate members)- Caitlin had me take several of her jumping into the pool. This was the only one that turned out. (I never want to be a sports photographer... too frustrating!); That's our girl! She was really hamming it up for the camera today; Caitlin doing a handstand in the pool- silly kid wanted a picture of her feet; Jared relaxing under water! While his sister was begging me to take her picture every few seconds, Jared wouldn't give me the time of day or hold still at all. So, underwater it is.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Our son is a HACKER!
So, I just go into my bedroom and find our 6 year old sprawled out on my bedroom floor with my laptop in front of him.
ME: "Jared, what are you doing?"
JARED: "Trying to figure out your password so I can play on your computer."
ME (laughing): "Good luck!"
JARED (sincerely grateful for my encouragement): "Thanks!! I already tried Stampin' Up! but, that wasn't it."
(about 5 minutes later he comes and finds me...)
JARED: Mom, the password hint says "I love you this much."
ME: (speechless that he found the password hint & trying not to laugh)
JARED (suddenly acting all lovingly and giving hugs): "So, how much do you love me???"
Stinker! It cracks me up that he thinks that he can do this! He's still trying out various words. Like "a lot" or "lots" or "very much". Too, too smart!!
Well, I'm off to change a password!!
ME: "Jared, what are you doing?"
JARED: "Trying to figure out your password so I can play on your computer."
ME (laughing): "Good luck!"
JARED (sincerely grateful for my encouragement): "Thanks!! I already tried Stampin' Up! but, that wasn't it."
(about 5 minutes later he comes and finds me...)
JARED: Mom, the password hint says "I love you this much."
ME: (speechless that he found the password hint & trying not to laugh)
JARED (suddenly acting all lovingly and giving hugs): "So, how much do you love me???"
Stinker! It cracks me up that he thinks that he can do this! He's still trying out various words. Like "a lot" or "lots" or "very much". Too, too smart!!
Well, I'm off to change a password!!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Forgot to add this funny story...
So, last month my Dad flew to San Francisco and helped me drive to Idaho the next day. After several hours of driving all day, we stop for dinner at a combo fast food place: KFC and Long John Silvers. This is a treat for Jared, who loves fish and rarely gets to eat it since I can't stand the smell of it. Of course, he orders the fish & chip kids meal and digs right in once we sit down. After a few minutes he comes up to me and says, "Mom, my fish and & chips are making me sea sick." (ROFL) - Me: "I think you might just be car sick, honey." "No, mom I wasn't sick in the car, I feel sick eating that fish. I'm sea sick!"
I still laugh about this. But, yesterday I gave him an option of ordering another fish & chip meal which he passed on because "they make him sea sick!"
I still laugh about this. But, yesterday I gave him an option of ordering another fish & chip meal which he passed on because "they make him sea sick!"
Another camping excursion...
... this time with our Ward. We had a lot of fun at Thousand Oaks Campground in Morgan Hill. This was such a great campsite. There must have been three trailers/RVs and a dozen or more tents. We had a wonderful time visiting ward members. Jared had a huge pile of dirt to play in (probably about 6 feet tall). He was having the time of his life with all of the dirt, friends and his bike. He had plenty of falls on the bike still, but he was doing some challenging off-road biking and enjoying himself so much he refused to come eat lunch!
This camp area has a lot of activities. Too many for us to do all of them. But, the kids played woofle ball, rode bikes and swam in the huge olympic sized pool. The campground also has miniture golf, pool tables, ping pong, sports fields, horseshoes, etc... I know, doesn't really sound like camping. But, we loved it! Our friends brought their guinea pig and another family of friends brought their dog. The kids were loving having the pets around.
On our way there, Caitlin was wishing outloud that the campground bathrooms would be better than the last campgrounds. I said, "Caitlin, how could they be worse?" Her answer: "Well, they could not have seats!" LOL! Okay, I'll give her that. I told her I thought they would for sure have seats and from the back seat I hear her second wish, "I hope they have seat covers, I hope they have seat covers, I hope they have seat covers." ------- Well, much to her joy we had a great, clean bathroom including showers and potted plants and flowers! She was so relieved! What a funny girl! Such a princess- but, then again what girl doesn't wish for toliet seat covers? Huh?"
This camp area has a lot of activities. Too many for us to do all of them. But, the kids played woofle ball, rode bikes and swam in the huge olympic sized pool. The campground also has miniture golf, pool tables, ping pong, sports fields, horseshoes, etc... I know, doesn't really sound like camping. But, we loved it! Our friends brought their guinea pig and another family of friends brought their dog. The kids were loving having the pets around.
On our way there, Caitlin was wishing outloud that the campground bathrooms would be better than the last campgrounds. I said, "Caitlin, how could they be worse?" Her answer: "Well, they could not have seats!" LOL! Okay, I'll give her that. I told her I thought they would for sure have seats and from the back seat I hear her second wish, "I hope they have seat covers, I hope they have seat covers, I hope they have seat covers." ------- Well, much to her joy we had a great, clean bathroom including showers and potted plants and flowers! She was so relieved! What a funny girl! Such a princess- but, then again what girl doesn't wish for toliet seat covers? Huh?"
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Fishing Photos from July's camping trip
Photos: Aaron holding part of supper; the gorgeous scenery; Jared having a blast.
While we were in Idaho we went to Anderson Reservoir camping. The kids swam in the lake, paddled rafts across it, they rode 4 wheelers and went fishing. The kids had a super time. Scotty and Uncle Josh did some bike riding too. Both Caitlin and Jared enjoyed fishing but, Jared loved to eat the fish. Uncle Aaron and Josh helped him clean his fish (ick) and then they grilled it with Lemon Pepper. Jared always ate his own fish + his sisters and any other he was offered.
We had some trouble getting these photos to upload onto the computer- so even though this was awhile back (end of July), I thought I would post some of them for all to see.
Photos from Anderson Reservoir
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Day trip to Rio del Mar
more photos at Rio del Mar
... what happened at Rio del Mar
We had a playdate today at the beach. We drove to Rio del Mar with our friends the Bennetts. Our friends, the Reeds, also met us there. It was a fairly warm day. The weather was comfortable, the water a little cool but, the kids didn't seem to mind. Caitlin and Jared loved it! Caitlin spent 97% of the time in the water. She learned to ride the waves on a boogie board (Lauren Bennett taught her). They caught sea crabs and a star fish. They dug holes 3 feet deep in the sand, built sand castles, buried "treasure", gathered sea kelp, flew a kite, and Jared even made a lasso out of the sea kelp. The highlight was the passing of seals just 20 yards from the kids. Wish I had had the camera ready for that.
The kids were in heaven... they really had a great time with their friends!
Photos: Jared showing off a sand crab; Jared and James Reed playing in the sand; only a true Texan would make a lasso out of sea kelp; a cute picture of Brenna Bennett with the starfish.
Friday, August 10, 2007
An aaah-hah! moment for me...

Okay, so anyone else starting to count the days until school starts again? I wish I could be like some other moms I know, who are just enjoying their children right now. But, patience is something I struggle with. I wish it were a natural gift or talent but, I have to work at it every single day. So, with a little more than normal contention between the kids I thought it might be a great idea to start planning a FHE centered around that topic...
What I discovered this morning in my study has opened my eyes and allowed me a clearer picture of what's going on. I was reading in a fantastic book called Helping and Healing our Families- pinciples and practices inspired by "The Family: A Proclamation to the World". this book is a compilation of essays written on various topics in the Family Proclamation. The essay I read this morning is called "Curbing Contentious Tendencies" by Julie H. Hauff
What I discovered this morning in my study has opened my eyes and allowed me a clearer picture of what's going on. I was reading in a fantastic book called Helping and Healing our Families- pinciples and practices inspired by "The Family: A Proclamation to the World". this book is a compilation of essays written on various topics in the Family Proclamation. The essay I read this morning is called "Curbing Contentious Tendencies" by Julie H. Hauff
The short version of my discovery started with the essay's question for myself. Can I be the problem? (sure) Could my emotional tone be contributing or even leading to the discord? (well, yes quite possibly)
I then read something that helped to remind me that the changes begin with me: "Of utmost importance in teaching our children to love and be unselfish is our own example. If we are to exemplify the high standard that we would ask of them, we must learn to bridle our tongues, keep our emotions in check, and respond with a soft, patient voice." -
Another part of the article I loved was, "Pray diligently for the Lord to change our hearts and natures. Remember that daily seeds of love and kindness will bind our families together forever."
So, I'm happy to share my lesson of the day. Nothing we didn't already know... right? But, maybe this will help me get through the next few weeks with joy and help me to appreciate the precious time left of their summer vacation.
More photos from Lucky Peak
At Lucky Peak
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