Saturday, August 18, 2007

Forgot to add this funny story...

So, last month my Dad flew to San Francisco and helped me drive to Idaho the next day. After several hours of driving all day, we stop for dinner at a combo fast food place: KFC and Long John Silvers. This is a treat for Jared, who loves fish and rarely gets to eat it since I can't stand the smell of it. Of course, he orders the fish & chip kids meal and digs right in once we sit down. After a few minutes he comes up to me and says, "Mom, my fish and & chips are making me sea sick." (ROFL) - Me: "I think you might just be car sick, honey." "No, mom I wasn't sick in the car, I feel sick eating that fish. I'm sea sick!"

I still laugh about this. But, yesterday I gave him an option of ordering another fish & chip meal which he passed on because "they make him sea sick!"

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