Friday, August 31, 2007

About motivation....

Have you ever wondered about where motivation comes from??? Motivation to exercise, to get a dreaded task done, to start a diet, to try something new?

I heard a quote the other day from Dr. Oz, a general surgeon who is on the Discovery Health channel and who Oprah has helped make quite famous. He said, "Sometimes ACTION has to precede motivation."

Love it! So, if you are putting something off or not feeling like doing something you should... I challenge you to just do it! Do it and soon enough the motivation to keep doing it will come. Think about a diet. Who likes to start those? Or an exercise program?? But, once I start exercising I find it addicting. I will crave the movement and the newly found energy. Once you lose a few pounds on diet you are motivated by your success.

Just some thoughts passing through my head today....

1 comment:

Valerie Chandler said...

Ok, this was a great quote. It links well with that president Hinckley one that says in order to gain a personal testimony of a principle of the gospel, live it. It's after putting it into practice that you get the witness. Wow, a truth that permiates all areas of our lives. Makes me think that the work is in having the courage to take the initial plunge. Hey, thanks, for the deep thoughts.