Okay, so anyone else starting to count the days until school starts again? I wish I could be like some other moms I know, who are just enjoying their children right now. But, patience is something I struggle with. I wish it were a natural gift or talent but, I have to work at it every single day. So, with a little more than normal contention between the kids I thought it might be a great idea to start planning a FHE centered around that topic...
What I discovered this morning in my study has opened my eyes and allowed me a clearer picture of what's going on. I was reading in a fantastic book called Helping and Healing our Families- pinciples and practices inspired by "The Family: A Proclamation to the World". this book is a compilation of essays written on various topics in the Family Proclamation. The essay I read this morning is called "Curbing Contentious Tendencies" by Julie H. Hauff
What I discovered this morning in my study has opened my eyes and allowed me a clearer picture of what's going on. I was reading in a fantastic book called Helping and Healing our Families- pinciples and practices inspired by "The Family: A Proclamation to the World". this book is a compilation of essays written on various topics in the Family Proclamation. The essay I read this morning is called "Curbing Contentious Tendencies" by Julie H. Hauff
The short version of my discovery started with the essay's question for myself. Can I be the problem? (sure) Could my emotional tone be contributing or even leading to the discord? (well, yes quite possibly)
I then read something that helped to remind me that the changes begin with me: "Of utmost importance in teaching our children to love and be unselfish is our own example. If we are to exemplify the high standard that we would ask of them, we must learn to bridle our tongues, keep our emotions in check, and respond with a soft, patient voice." -
Another part of the article I loved was, "Pray diligently for the Lord to change our hearts and natures. Remember that daily seeds of love and kindness will bind our families together forever."
So, I'm happy to share my lesson of the day. Nothing we didn't already know... right? But, maybe this will help me get through the next few weeks with joy and help me to appreciate the precious time left of their summer vacation.
This book sounds wonderful! I am going to go find it. The quotes you posted were something I really needed to hear today! Thank you!!
Ah, so it's me that's the problem... I buy that. I agree that the way I speak and act influences the tenor of our home. Too bad though, I wish it depended on someone else but me. Oh, mothering is such a big job. Thanks for the deep thoughts. "Tomorrow is fresh with no mistakes" -Anne of Green Gables
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