It's a nice change to have Caitlin just walk in the door, drop her backpack and head straight for the piano. I love that she enjoys playing piano lately. She has mastered a "spooky" sounding Halloween song and some fast warm up songs that involve moving her hands up and down the keys. She has now passed me in knowledge of piano and sheet music. I sat down yesterday and tried to play that spooky little song. Couldn't do it. Too many flats... I couldn't site read it. I'm proud of her hard work and her efforts in changing her attitude about the piano. It's very nice to see that she is enjoying it once again!
More stuff going on today:
Me (MOM): Jared, how was school today?
Jared: Wild!
Me: Wild? How was it wild?
Jared: We had a fire drill and NO fire! We also had a code red and I lost my tooth! It just snapped right off!
Sure enough there is a gap where his lower front tooth used to be and a sufficient amount of blood down the front of his sweatshirt for the "laundry maid" (MOM) to worry. He certainly has the appearance of having had a "WILD" time.
Now he is sullen and sad, he lost the tooth on the school bus. Some kid on the bus told him the tooth fairy brings $20 if you lose it and so he is busily writing a note of explanation to the tooth fairy. ("Uh, don't count on it, buddy.")
Did he really say "laundry maid"? THAT is hilarious. He is such a kick. His jargon delights me.
Jared is so funny! He comes up with the cutest things!
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