Sara gave me the book Austenland for an early Christmas gift! My SIL, Michelle, got one too! I finished the book last night and loved it! I have to say it is nice to have a good spin on the Pride and Prejudice that I can't seem to get enough of. Why do I love that story? The romance, I suppose... I'm not sure I know a woman who wouldn't like a "Mr. Darcy" in their lives. But, mostly I think that Jane Austen is clever, funny and has the greatest talent in using words! Afterall they have books of quotes from her novels. Compilations of wit.
The other day Caitlin asked me a hypothetical "Mom, If we had a fire, and you could only grab one thing out of the house what would it be? Your Pride and Prejudice DVD?" - "No, dear. I could just go to the store and buy another of those!" - he he he!
Yet another share, Jenny!
I have two posts on my blog about this book because it has been such fun for me, too. I finally had to lend it out so that I wouldn't start it for a sixth time. And, I just bought six copies for my sisters for Christmas!
What a pleasurable read!
I just finished this a few days ago and I LOVED it! It was so cute and funny! I loved the part when the boys were fighting!
I am going to start reading Darcy's Story now. This book got me back in the mood for Pride and Prejudice, and I think I have to go watch the BBC version of it! I've never seen it, but I hear it's pretty good! I love the new one with Kiera Knightly.
I finished Book of a Thousand Days that you gave me...Thank you so much! It was so good! I definately recommend reading it! Shannon Hale is an excellent writer. I think I am going to try her Princess Academy soon. It sounds pertty good.
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