Saturday, November 3, 2007

A whine.

All week long I've had a stiff neck. You know, the kind where you must turn your whole body with your head. This has been a busy week (Halloween, volunteering at the school, helping with Halloween party, make up Super Saturday at our house, Movie Night at the kids' school, dentist appointment for sealants on Caitlin's molars)- with so much going on I haven't had the luxury of taking it easy or resting. On two occasions I took a muscle relaxer and it puts me into a deep sleep. On Friday I took a muscle relaxer before going out for a walk, I ate breakfast and then slept all day until the alarm went off to walk to the bus stop to meet the kids.

Last night I had lots of restful sleep and the neck is feeling somewhat better; however, now I'm feeling even more under the weather with a sore throat and general body aches. BLAH!! I sure hope this all passes soon...

1 comment:

Valerie Chandler said...

Great title. For some, a wine would be a great anecdote for a whine. I guess the OJ for your cold will have to do.